Meet the Maker: SEDU Lab

MAKER: SEDU Lab students & teachers

For this Shenzhen Maker Faire, our students and teachers are working together to create a concept. Here are some of our crew members. Our story goes back to a year ago. Beginning in 2014, our company has provided software and hardware training to a variety of students such as Scratch, Arduino, and Python. Then, as a part of the maker’s movement, teachers were learning to become a maker voluntarily, and one year ago, they conducted a maker class with three college students, and as a result, they were able to create small but diverse works. And we are going to apply for the 2017 Shenzhen Maker Fair to go from the enjoyment of creating works to the enjoyment of sharing. We hope that our imagination and story will be shared and memorable with others from around the world. And we hope that this opportunity will enable students to communicate with friends around the world and make their own dreams.

PROJECT 1: Music Box

PROJECT 2: Paper Tunnel Book

PROJECT 3: Multi Touch Application

PROJECT 4: Sailing game

PROJECT 5: AR Chess game

Our project is subdivided into 3 submarine, sea, and universe for 3 days when the maker fair takes place.

On the first day, we will showcase works of the concept of sailing under the sea. What space is the undersea? It is a place where the surrounding area is quiet and there is strong visual information. We will exhibit booths like the undersea and the following works with a strong visual impression.

On the third day, it is a concept project that sails the space beyond the sea. What space is the space? There is no limit to the size of our imagination. We are going to show you some unusual and quirky artifacts in this space.

On the third day, it is a concept project that sails the space beyond the sea. What space is the space? There is no limit to the size of our imagination. We are going to show you some unusual and quirky artifacts in this space.






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