Forum at Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017 | 深圳制汇节创客论坛

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  • 论坛分场与讲者Forum Sessions and Speakers

专场1:创客运动未来Visions into the Future

11月11日(周六)Nov.11 (Saturday) 9:30-12:00

随着科技越来越触手可及,包括Maker Faire在内的创客文化传播平台也越发多样,创客运动的发展日新月异,产生了更加深远持久的影响。在《创客运动未来》论坛专场,我们邀请了在不同领域做出重大改变的创客、教育者、企业家和思想领袖参与分享。希望通过他们的分享,一起探讨造物的未来如何发展,如何让更多人通过学习和实践参与到造物的行列。

With the growing accessibility of technology, the spread of maker culture through platforms such as the Maker Faire, and more diverse channels for funding and promotion, the landscapes for the Maker Movement are constantly being reshaped for more lasting and sustainable impact. In this session, we invite individuals and organizations whose work as educators, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders have created significant changes in their respective fields. Through their sharing, we hope to shed light on the future of making and how more people can follow suit through learning and doing.


杨跃承 Yuecheng Yang

柴火荣誉顾问、原科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心副主任、盛景网联科技股份有限公司高级合伙人 Honorary Advisor to Chaihuo Makers, Associate Director at Torch High Technology Industry Development Center, Ministry of Science & Technology,
Senior Partner ShengJing Group

杨跃承, 现任科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心副主任、高级工程师,曾任科技部火炬中心项目管理处技术领域项目主管工程师、项目管理处副处长、科技型中小企业技术创新基金审理处处长、高新区管理处处长。杨跃承副主任的主要工作是参与组织推动高新技术成果产业化、高新技术企业发展、战略性新兴产业的促进与发展,支持科技型中小企业创新创业,以及高新技 术产业、国家高新区、科技企业孵化器、技术市场、科技金融等政策研究、规划制定,积极推动体制机制创新、创新创业环境营造,高新区考核评价、创新载体建 设、区域创新体系建设等相关工作。

Mr. Chengyue Yang is a Senior Engineer and the Associate Director at Torch High Technology Industry Development Center, Ministry of Science & Technology, People’s Republic of China. He is an Senior Engineer and the Project Supervisor of Project Management Department at Torch High Technology Industry Development Center, Ministry of Science & Technology. He is in charge of managing innovative funds for SMEs (small & medium enterprises) in tech industries, promoting the development of strategic emerging industries, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in SMEs. He is also actively promoting the policy research and planning for hi-tech industry, incubators, tech market and FinTech industries. His work has greatly helped promoting innovation in systems and mechanisms, creating environment for innovation and entrepreneurship as well as creating evaluation system for hi-tech industry, building innovative platform and regional innovation system.

       Sherry Huss

美国 Maker Media集团副总裁,Maker Faire 联合发起人 VP of Maker Media and Co-Creator of Maker Faire

Sherry Huss 美国 Maker Media集团副总裁,Maker Faire 联合发起人 Sherry Huss是美国 Maker Media集团的副总裁,也是Maker Faire的联合发起人。Maker Faire是深受科技影响的全球DIY社区盛典和嘉年华,该活动最终推动了全球创客运动的起源和发展。Sherry主要负责全球Maker Faire社区构建、商务合作和活动策划,她致力于推动MAKE品牌的发展,截止至今已经有221个Maker Faire落户全球不同国家、城市和地区,累计有175万观众参与到Maker Faire活动中。2017年,Sherry被福布斯杂志评选为全球40位40岁以上的优秀女性之一,以表彰她在推动跨界合作促进创新方面所做出的贡献。

 Sherry Huss is the VP of Maker Media and Co-Creator of Maker Faire, a tech-influenced DIY community and festival that has come to be identified as the Maker Movement. Sherry oversees community, partnerships, and events. She is focused on growing the MAKE brand throughout the Maker ecosystem which includes 221 Maker Faires around the world and 1.75M people attending an event in their community. She was awarded as one of Forbe’s “Forty over 40” earlier this year for her work in building bridges and fostering collaboration across disciplines to inspire innovation.

曾德钧 Dejun Zeng

猫王收音机设计师、创始人 Founder of Muzen Audio


53 years ago, a radio set became Zeng’s window to the world, marking the beginning of his lifelong romance with the instrument. Zeng has served in the army, taught as a teacher and worked sailor, and when he was almost 60, finally pursued his passion for the radio with Muzen Audio. With the drive and zest of a twentysomething, he embraces the youth culture and the internet, but insists on a brand value that is retro classic with focus on design and craftsmanship, winning the hearts of young consumers. Zeng and his team have brought the radio back to popularity, and made Muzen the premium brand for radios in the new age of retail. 

Zach Shelby

Micro:bit基金会首席执行官 CEO of Micro:bit Foundation

Zach Shelby,Micro:bit基金会首席执行官,物联网领域天使投资人。他对micro:bit的期待是让每个孩子成为一个发明家,希望Micro:bit产品未来能触及1亿儿童和教育者。此前,Zach是芬兰物联网软件创业公司Sensinode的首席执行官和首席技术官,该公司于2013年被ARM收购。在ARM任职期间,他担任市场营销副主席和物联网技术总监。在创立Sensinode之前,他在芬兰艺术研究中心和无线通信中心主导无线网络研究。

Zach is the CEO of the Micro:bit Foundation, an angel investor and a thought leader in the IoT space. His vision for micro:bit is that every child will be an inventor, and aims to reach 100M children and educators in the future. Zach was co-founder of Sensinode where he has acted as CEO and CTO for the ground-breaking company before acquisition by ARM in 2013. At ARM he served as Vice President of Marketing and Director of Technology for Internet of Things. Before starting Sensinode, he led wireless networking research at the Centre for Wireless Communications and at the Technical Research Center of Finland.

李玙 Li Yu

跨学科研究员,思辨设计师,新媒体艺术 Interdisciplinary researcher, speculative designer, and new media artist


Li Yu is born in the Himalaya mountains, she is now based in Shenzhen, travels frequently between Europe and US for design research and technology foraging. She collaborates with scientists and engineers from various fields include biotechnology, aerospace, artificial intelligence and computer science. She is also actively involved in the biohacking, citizen science and maker movements. Li Yu researches the burgeoning areas of advanced science technology and speculative design, and their fascinating intersection where our unlimited imagination meets the fast pacing science technology development. She uses design as a method of investigation, while implementing emerging technologies, aimed at expanding our imagination, breaks the sense of normality, brings thoughts experiment into tangible forms and explores possible future scenarios.

Tomas Diez

IAAC Fab City研究实验室主任、巴塞罗那Fab Lab联合创始人 Director of the FAB City Research Laboratory at IAAC, Co-founder of Fab Lab Barcelona

Tomas Diez,出生于委内瑞拉,是一位城市规划设计师,专注于数字制造和数字制造对未来城市、社会的影响。他是加泰罗尼亚高级建筑研究所(IAAC)的FAB城市研究实验室主任,同时也是Fab Lab Barcelona的联合创始人。他拥有西蒙玻利瓦尔大学城市规划学士学位,古巴拉哈瓦那大学社会工作文凭,也获得了麻省理工大学比特原子实验室所开设的Fab Academy课程所提供的“数字制造”证书。他是巴塞罗那Smart Citizen项目、FabLabs.io和StudioP52的联合创始人。他的研究主要的内容是关于如何使用数字制造工具来创造改变,如何使用新兴技术来改变人们的消费方式、生产方式以及改变城市中人与人之间的关系。

Tomas Diez is a Venezuela-born urban designer specialized in digital fabrication and its implications in the future of cities and society. He is the director of the FAB City Research Laboratory at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) , and co-founder of Fab Lab Barcelona . He holds a Bachelor degree in Urbanism by the Simon Bolivar University (Caracas – Venezuela), a Diploma in social work at the La Havana University (Cuba), a Master in Advanced Architecture by IAAC, and a Diploma on Digital Fabrication offered by the Fab Academy in a joint program with MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms in 2008. He is the co-founder of the Smart Citizen project,, and StudioP52 in Barcelona. His research interests relate to the use of digital fabrication tools to transform the reality, and how the use of new technologies can change the way people consume, produce and relate with each other in cities.


专场2:从创客到产业Making in Industries

11月11日(周六)Nov.11 (Saturday) 13:30-16:00


Open source and digital fabrication tools have greatly accelerated the prototyping process, making it easier for makers to take their ideas to reality, even to the market linking to existing industries. The speakers in this session, as engineers, designers, entrepreneurs, and educators, dedicate their careers to creating projects and applications ranging from smart homes, industrial robots, wearable tech for fashion and aerospace, and solutions for social and environmental problems. With innovative thinking, technical expertise, business acumen and a mindset for open collaboration, these Maker Pros venture to change the world and the way we live.

Shannon Hoover

MakeFashion 科技服装平台与Wearlabs公司联合创始人 Co-founder, MakeFashion and Wearlabs

Shannon Hoover是加拿大MakeFashion科技服装平台与Wearlabs公司联合创始人,也是加拿大创客运动的引领者之一。Shannon也是加拿大Maker Faire Calgary和Fuse33创客空间的发起人和创办人之一。他常把项目和精力投入于艺术和科技领域,通过艺术结合科技带来的改变,致力于推动创客社区以及全球创客运动的发展。此前,他还从事MakeFashion一些酷炫可穿戴项目的开发,并与全球创客协作,推动创客文化对生活质量的提高。

Shannon is an innovator and technologist as well as leader in the Canadian Maker movement. He is the co-founder of the globally renowned Fashion Technology startup Makefashion and WearLabs, as well as Calgary Maker Faire and Fuse33 Makerspace. He is devoted to improving his community and world through subversive change and art directed engineering. Passions include wearable tech and augmented self projects for MakeFashion and collaborating internationally to leverage maker culture improve quality of life.

Katia Vega

加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校副教授 Assistant Professor at University of California, Davis

Katia Vega是Beauty Technology公司的创始人,该公司致力于科技化妆品研发。她获得了巴西PUC-Rio大学的计算机科学硕士和博士学位、秘鲁UNMSM大学的学士学位,也是美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室的博士后。此前她是秘鲁工程技术大学的教授,目前在加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的设计系担任助理教授。她的项目在伦敦的Barbican画廊,斯德哥尔摩的Tekniska Museet画廊,Ars Electronica,柏林的音乐技术节和拉斯维加斯的Bellagio艺术节均有展出,也被New Scientist, Wired, Discovery, CNN等国际媒体报道,也获得了Ars Electronica,TEI,ISWC,Fast Company,Ubimedia等多家机构授予的奖项。最近,Katia还在德国Springer出版社出版了书籍作品《美妆技术:可穿戴计算的无缝界面》。

Katia Vega is the creator of Beauty Technology: cosmetics that embedded electronics to transform the body in an interface. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Design at UC Davis (USA). She was a Professor at UTEC (Peru). She was a postdoc at MIT Media Lab (USA) and got her PhD and master degree in Computer Science at PUC-Rio (Brazil). She received a BS from UNMSM (Peru). Her projects are exhibited at several galleries and festivals such as Barbican of London, Tekniska Museet in Stockholm, Ars Electronica, Music Tech Festival in Berlin and Bellagio in Las Vegas. Her work has been featured by New Scientist, Wired, Discovery, CNN and awarded by Ars Electronica, TEI, ISWC, Fast Company, Ubimedia, among others. Recently, Springer has published our book: “Beauty Technology: Designing Seamless Interfaces for Wearable Computing”.

张浩 Hao Zhang

蓝胖子机器人联合创始人、首席技术官 Co-founder & CTO of Dorabot Inc.

作为蓝胖子核心技术创始人,张浩负责机器 人系统架构设计,系统集成,基于增强学习和迁移学习的方法,算法研究和优化。 目前,张浩带领技术团队将产品投 入仓库并根于客户的特殊需求进行完善。此外,我还在港大就读人工智能博士学位,是AI 界杰出科学家杨强的学生。

Hao is the Co-Founder and  CTO of a robotics start-up, Dorabot Inc., located in Shenzhen, China. Dorabot focuses on providing robotic solutions to logistic firms. Hao is experienced in developing robotic systems for industrial applications and research applications. He is currently pursuing his PhD in A.I. and Robotics. Moreover, Hao has been an active leader in the maker community.

Davide Gomba

意大利首家Fab Lab创始人,Casa Jasmina智慧房屋项目负责人 Founder of the First Italian Fablab, Casa Jasmina Project

自2008年起,Davide就开始接触开源硬件,一直为Arduino工作到2016年。他也是意大利创客文化的推动者之一,2011年积极促进了意大利第一家Fablab成立。同时他也是一名内容制作者和产品侦察员,在科技、创客文化领域有丰富的工作坊经验,如开办儿童STEAM科学、教育工作坊,推动运用物联网和自下而上的科技进行农村改革。他喜欢深圳,并从2013年开始负责Maker Faire Shenzhen上的Arduino展位。他今年将在Maker Faire Shenzhen展示他对未来家居设想的的物联网房屋项目Casa Jasmina,该项目融合了科技、私密性、舒适、开源、设计等诸多元素,展开人与家居之间的对话。

Davide Gomba is an italian maker and storyteller. He has been working in open source since 2008, alongside Arduino until 2016. He’s been one of the promoter of maker culture in Italy, actively managing the creation of the very first Italian Fab Lab in 2011. As content producer and product scouter, he’s been creating different workshops experiences around tech or maker culture, such as fablabforkids (STEAM, kids, science) or ruralhack (IoT, bottom-up tech agriculture). He loves Shenzhen and has many friends to come and see and have been hosting the Arduino Booth at Maker Faire Shenzhen 2013. He’s come to the this year’s Faire to show and present the Casa Jasmina Project, an experiment held to create an home of the future where technology, privacy, lux, open source and design meet and join together a good conversation with the human.

Cesar Jung-Harada

香港MakerBay创客空间创始人,Protei和Scoutbots公司 CEO&Founder of MakerBay Hong Kong, CEO of Protei and Scoutbots

Cesar Jung-Harada是一名住在香港的法裔日本环保主义者,发明家和企业家,以保护、探索海洋作为终身使命。 他的项目Protei是由一个形状可自由改变的帆船机器人和一个风力发电海上无人机组成,实现远程控制/自动收集海洋数据或传输海洋清理设备。Cesar 是前麻省理工学院项目负责人,TED高级研究员,GOOD100成员,IBM进步人物,海上研究员,Shuttleworth基金会与海洋交易所的荣誉成员。他曾以其在伦敦皇家艺术学院的硕士毕业设计夺得Ars Electronica最高奖项Golden Nica [NEXT IDEA]奖。他一直任教于伦敦大学金史密斯学院和法国凡尔赛建筑学院,并在全球发表多场演讲。

Cesar Harada is a French-Japanese environmentalist, inventor and entrepreneur based in Hong Kong, who is dedicating his life to explore and protect the ocean with open technologies. Protei is a shape-shifting sailing robot, a wind-powered maritime drone that is remotely controlled or automated to collect ocean data or transport clean-up equipment. Cesar is a Former MIT project leader, TED Senior Fellow, GOOD 100, IBM Figure of Progress, Unreasonable at Sea Fellow, Shuttleworth foundation and Ocean Exchange grantee. Cesar won the Arts Electronica Golden Nica [NEXT IDEA] with his Master‘s graduation project from the Royal College of Arts, London. Cesar has been teaching at the Goldsmiths University of London, Versailles architecture School in France and has lectured around the world.

邱世新 Shixin Qiu

草根创客,造物达人,创客老爸 Maker Pro, Maker Dad

邱世新曾从事冷饮生意,酷爱钻研和DIY,自行研究冷饮配方,也常自己动手进行冷冻设备改造,设计、制作制冰机、冰冻库。在冷饮生意走向平稳发展之后做出了重大决定:2013年初举家搬迁深圳,从头开始。在深圳,邱世新开始自学打字,自学编程,积极参与各类创客马拉松和比赛,制作了智能足底按摩仪、健康智能马桶、手摇发电机、DIY音响、懒人种植机等项目。除了自己造物之外,邱世新也常带着自己的两个儿子一起造物,也常到儿子的学校给孩子们分享创客知识。邱世新现在全职上班,同时也是柴火造物中心的会员,经常带着孩子一起来空间参与活动、动手造物和分享创意 。

Shixin Qiu has a passion for making and DIY. When he used to own a business selling cold beverages, he would modify and upgrade the equipment he’d bought, and designed his own ice machine and freezer. He also enjoyed making new beverage recipes. When the business became stable, he made an unexpected decision to move to Shenzhen in 2013 to start over. Since then, he has self-taught keyboarding, programming and has participated in hackathons. He has made many projects including a smart foot massage machine, a smart toilet system, a manual electric generator, DIY speaker and an easy planter. Shixin has guided his two sons into making and goes to their school to share with the students about maker culture. Now with a full-time job, Shixin is also a member of Chaihuo x.factory, where he often attends workshops, makes things with his sons, and shares with many others in the community.


专场3:科技跨界平台Platform Builders

11月12日(周日)Nov.12 (Sunday) 10:00-12:00


As technical barriers for making are lowered, more and more people across different disciplines and backgrounds begin to collaborate on exciting projects, giving rise to a myriad of high-quality content. The speakers in this session are dedicated to building platforms where makers come together to innovate, and to curating events where these quality content can be seen and celebrated by the wider audience . We invite them to share their visions for promoting the maker movement, to educate, entertain, and inspire more people to join in the spirit of creating.

潘星 Xing Pan

加利福尼亚大学河滨分校教授 Professor, University of California Riverside

潘星博士,美国创新领导力学院执行主任,Smartology 咨询公司董事长;致力于电子商务、移动商务、市场营销领域的前沿研究与创新;为移动商务服务、社交媒体、消费电子、汽车、零售、地产、教育、旅游娱乐等行业的诸多企业提供商业顾问咨询;为美国联邦政府撰写区域经济与商业发展的专家评估报告;先后在美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院、印第安那大学凯利商学院、加利福尼亚大学河滨安德森管理学院教授博士、EMBA、MBA、及本科生课程,受评为加州大学河滨分校最受学生喜爱的教授之一。

Dr. Xing Pan is the Executive Director of American Innovation & Leadership Academy (AILA) and President of Smartology Consulting. He is dedicated to the frontier research and innovation of e-business, mobile business, and marketing analytics. He has provided business consulting to large international corporations of consumer electronics and automobiles, regional companies of retailing, real estate, and social media marketing, start-up firms of mobile technology service, and federal and local governments. He has taught business Ph.D., EMBA, MBA, and undergraduate students at University of Maryland, Indiana University, and University of California, and was named as one of the favorite professors by students of UC-Riverside.

谢雯雯 Wenwen Xie

MakerBeta超能实验室联合创始人 Co-founder of MakerBeta


With a MSc in Integrated Circuit Systems from Xidian University, Wenwen has won awards at a variety of nationwide tech competitions. She co-founded Suanier Technology and participated in the design of humanoid and educational robots, and the Visbody canner. She is also the co-founder, tech director and host of the self-media online show MakerBeta, which covers a range of DIY and making content in an instructional talk show format, with reference to popular culture to make it both interesting, informational and educational. MakerBeta’s video platform has a fanbase over 800K and over 100 million views, and the team has participated in the popular TV show “Amazing Chinese.”

刘得志 Kevin Lau

MakerNet超常识科技创始人及CEO,中国创客运动推进者 Founder & CEO of Maker Net, Promoter of maker culture in China

MakerNet超常识科技创始人及CEO,中国创客运动推进者之一,MakerMedia中国区合作伙伴,英国文化教育协会创客项目顾问,周末画报“超常识科技栏目”作者。Kevin 乐于向年轻人分享全球创客文化与技能,鼓励并引导年轻人利用科技创新反哺社会,消除人际间的隔阂,弥补教育资源分配的不公。

Kevin Lau, Founder & CEO of MakerNet and a longtime promoter of the maker culture in China. He is also Maker Project Consultant of the British Council, and the author of MakerN



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