Workshop | Source Components & Design PCBs 工作坊 | 采购元器件及PCB设计

Workshop Topic: Sourcing components and designing PCBs to be manufactured in the Shenzhen Ecosystem.

Time: Saturday, Nov. 11th at 13:00

Place: Workshop Room 2  深圳职业技术学院 (留仙洞校区) 德业楼(教二) 2楼203教室

Content: Sourcing of components for PCBs that are intended for manufacture in the Shenzhen ecosystem is incredibly challenging as the online presence of the vendors in the Huaqiang Road Markets is negligible.

This talk will, therefore, outline a series of procedures by which it is possible to reasonably expect a near-100% success rate in designing a board that can be manufactured and assembled in Shenzhen without delay or near-total redesign.

Mentor: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

Luke is a Libre Hardware and Libre Software Engineer,  he is currently fulfilling an eco-conscious Crowdfunding campaign (EOMA68 on Crowdsupply). The idea is to create mass-volume products that people can repair, upgrade and maintain for themselves, save a lot of money in the process. That means it has to be entirely open (100% libre) including the casework, which must be 3D printable so that people can repair it or replace it for themselves. He is designing a 3D printer to support the project because he has a huge amount of 3D printing to do, to fulfill his promises to the backers.

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