Meetup | Wearables for Space! 分享会 | 为宇航员制作的可穿戴项目,到底有多酷?

Disrupton is a competition organized by UTEC in Peru. This year’s theme is “Wearables for Space”. The students at UTEC are encouraged to make projects for astronauts. While making the projects, they get suggestions/consultation from wearables experts and NASA Researchers. And the winner will get tickets to come & show their projects on Maker Faire Shenzhen. And now the winner team Suit Dreamz are in Shenzhen, together with beauty technologist Katia Vega and NASA Researcher Julio Valdivia! We are happy to have the chance to co-host this meetup with Lab 0 this Wednesday evening! Welcome to join us!

为太空中的宇航员制作可穿戴项目,有可穿戴领域的专家和NASA研究员亲自指导。获奖的项目还有机会飞越大半个地球来到深圳参加一年一度的Maker Faire Shenzhen。哪儿有这样的好的事情呢?这个比赛叫做Disrupton,在秘鲁工程技术大学已经展开,而且获得第一名的团队已经在老师的带领下来到了深圳。本周三晚上柴火和深圳本土的另一个创客空间零空(Lab 0)一起举办一次分享会,邀请秘鲁工程技术大学UTEC的老师和学生来和我们分享Disrupton这个比赛以及获奖项目的一些经验。

Theme of the Meetup – Disrupton UTEC: Wearables for Space

 分享会主题 – Disrupton, 秘鲁工程技术大学为宇航员制作的可穿戴项目

Intro of the projects to be shown/shared on the meetup 分享的项目/内容

– Disrupton: Wearables for Space

Disrupton, a UTEC event that promotes the creativity of the students and gives them the possibility to materialize their ideas in a functional product. This year, Disrupton: Wearables for Space aimed to generate a creative movement thought about the needs of astronauts in Space; and for this, students put all their imagination in generating solutions beyond this world. 77 teams presented their proposals with the aim of creating technology to outside of our world. The winning team is Suit Dreamz. They are traveling to Shenzhen to show their project at “Maker Faire Shenzhen”.

– Discrupton: 为宇航员制作的可穿戴项目

Discrupton是秘鲁工程艺术大学的一个项目/比赛,旨在促进学生的创新,为学生提供机会,使其能够把想法变成具备功能性的产品。今年,Disrupton项目旨在做出符合宇航员需求的可穿戴物品。为了完成这样的项目,学生们需要利用自己的想象力来思考解决方案。这个比赛的冠军团队是Suit Dreamz。他们将会从秘鲁前往深圳,在今年11月份的深圳制汇节上展商他们的项目。

– Suit Dreamz: Astronauts have some difficulties at the Spacial Station. One of them is the quality of sleep, mainly because the lack of gravity. It generates a reduction in their performance. Suit Dreamz simulates the gravity force in Earth. Electromagnets are located in their  suit to generate an electromagnetic force. They are located in ergonomic points to make the astronaut feel that he is resting in a bed.

– Suit Dreamz团队制作的项目:宇航员在太空中的时候会有一些不同于地球的困难,其中一个就是睡眠。由于太空环境失重,导致宇航员的睡眠质量不佳。Suit Dreamz团队模拟地球引力,通过在服饰中嵌入电磁铁来产生电磁力。通过把电磁铁放置在符合人体工程学的位置能够让宇航员有躺在床上睡觉的舒适感觉。

– Potatoes in Mars

Potatoes have shown to be one of the most important crops around the world since it saved of starving people in Europe during the 2nd World War and continues growing in almost every environment on Earth. In Peru, we have 4500 varieties of potatoes and we are sure there are ones capable to adapt to extreme conditions. In this context, this project pretended to find possible candidates that could colonize Mars in the future. The good news is we found 4 ones.

– 火星马铃薯




– Eddy Denegri Tineo – Electrical Engineering Student from University of Engineering and Technology – UTEC

– Christian Monterrey Ikeda – Electrical Engineering Student from University of Engineering and Technology – UTEC

– Jose Magallanes Cardenas – Electrical Engineering Student from University of Engineering and Technology – UTEC

–  Julio Valdivia –  Director  of Bioengineering from University of Engineering and Technology – UTEC;NASA Searcher

– Katia Vega – Founder of Beauty Technology, Assistant Professor from University of California, Davis.


  • – Eddy Denegri Tineo, 秘鲁工程技术大学,电子工程专业学生
  • – Christian Monterrey Ikeda, 秘鲁工程技术大学,电子工程专业学生
  • – Jose Magallanes Cardenas, 秘鲁工程技术大学,电子工程专业学生
  • – Julio Valdivia – 秘鲁工程技术大学,生物工程学院主任,NASA Director  of Bioengineering from University of Engineering and Technology – UTEC, 美国航空航天局研究员
  • – Katia Vega – Beauty Technology创始人,美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分享副教授


Info of meetup 分享会详情

  • Time 时间:19:30 – 21:00, Nov. 8th. (Wednesday); 2017年11月8日(星期三),19:30- 21:00
  • Fee 费用:Free to participate. 免费参加!
  • Place 地点:Lab 0 (深圳 南山区 南头街道 麻雀岭工业区m10栋4号楼一楼 零空) Nearest Metro Station: Shenzhen University (深大 / Shenda) 【Exit A, follow the map directions, Lab 0 is on the 1st floor.】
  • Sign-up 报名:Sign up on Eventbrite or scan the QR Code to sign up. 点击阅读原文或扫描以下二维码报名。



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