We are calling upon all creators who have the ideas and projects that are dedicated to protecting our environment to participate in Seeed for Earth 2018 Campaign.

Submissions are due May 20, and all submissions will be judged based on their documentation, creativity, and completeness. The campaign encourages participants to make projects with suggested themes, which include climate, energy, water, soil, air, food, and other areas of sustainable environmental protection. It can also be a previous project related to environmental issues. Top 15 projects will be selected to be awarded with prizes as follows:
-Top prize: One round-trip flight ticket (economy class) from your city to Shenzhen during Maker Faire Shenzhen and Seeed Conference in November 2018, and lodging accommodation for 4 nights.
-2nd to 5th prizes: one Amazon Alexa Echo each (provided by Hackster).
-10 Projects of Merit: One Seeed Environmental Kit to each of the additional 10 top projects (one kit each, customs taxes not included.)