Meet the Maker: Davor Sijanovic

Project Maker (s): Davor Sijanovic, Gymnasium Vukovar, Croatia

Country/Area: Croatia

Links to the Maker:  Twitter | Facebook | Youtube

Maker Bio:

My name is Davor Sijanovic, I was born in Vukovar, Croatia, and spent most of my childhood there. I like using the newest and innovative technologies that include robotics, IoT, programming, and open-source trying to implement them in many STEM projects.

Project Name: Arduino intelligent robotic cars for assistive education program

Project Introduction:

Although spotlighted by social distancing, 2021 brought a great number of news related to digital technology and was designated as a year of wireless management and connectivity. Combining a direct and virtual meetings and activities through play, learning and creation resulted with a small fleet of three remotely operated intelligent robotic cars using Bluetooth voice and manual management and NRF24L01 communication module and Joystick. These intelligent devices are based on the wireless transmission of signals using the principle of radio transmission whose initiator was Nikola Tesla.



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