Project Maker (s): Craig Scott’s Lobotomy
Country/Area: London, UK
Links to the Maker: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube
Maker Bio:
Working with human performers, robotics, custom-built digital/analog hardware to explore the uncanny valley in sound. Blurring the lines between the perception of organic and artificial, composition and improvisation, and intention and error.
Project Name: FEEDBACK MOBILE – Speaker Ball & Microphone Satelites
Project Introduction:
7 microphone/preamp satelites orbit a ball of speakers(at different distances) generating different overtones as they pass each set of speakers.
Each microphone’s volume and low pass filter is controlled individually via MIDI.
Project Name: RoboUke Prototype Improvisations
Project Introduction:
A Prototype for a new series of semi-autonomous acoustic instruments designed to be played simultaneously by humans and machines.
Whilst reflecting our adaptation to our increasingly automated physical environment, I intend for this project to also prise open new approaches to composition and improvisation by re-contextualising familiar instruments.
Special Thanks
to Maker Music Festival for inviting this amazing project to exhibit on Maker Faire Shenzhen 2021.