Meet the maker: Lonershy

Project Maker (s):  Lonershy

Country/Area: Berlin,Germany

Links to the Maker:  /

Maker Bio:

I make sounds. I record sounds. I make noise. I record noise.

Project Name: Makey Makey Typewriter Music Machine

Project Introduction:

This is an old typewriter modded to control midi in Ableton, using a Makey Makey board (get yours here:​ ); Then there are 2 contact piezo mics under the typewriter that go to the Zoom MS50g with some cave reverb, and the condenser microphone goes through Valhalla Supermasive. The synth sounds were designed in Arturia Pigments. In the typewriter when you navigate through the notes, the pseudo percussion sounds are produced… somehow fun, so I guess we have a new jam.

Special Thanks

to Maker Music Festival for inviting this amazing project to exhibit on Maker Faire Shenzhen 2021.



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