Meet the Maker: Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch)

Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch) is a group of primary school students from Hong Kong, China, dedicated to promoting AI education. This year, Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch) will showcase their AI products which can used in real world.

Main Exhibits

AI Meal Dispenser

The AI Meal Dispenser is designed to streamline food distribution by automatically dispensing meals when it detects a person’s face. This system reduces errors and saves time, ensuring students receive the correct meal while minimizing manual intervention. It utilizes Scratch, HuskyLens, and Lego Wedo robotics components to streamline food service efficiently.

AI Mask

The AI Mask is an innovative approach to epidemic prevention, distinguished by its voice identification feature. Unlike traditional masks, this one can automatically open and close in response to voice commands such as “open” or “close”. The team utilized tools like Teachable Machine, Scratch, Microbit, and servo motors to bring this functionality to life, aiming to enhance user convenience and safety in situations requiring protective face coverings.

AI Nutrition Cabinet

The AI Nutrition Cabinet is an innovative system that provides age-appropriate nutritious food. By utilizing Kittenblock, the cabinet identifies a person’s age group—ranging from infancy, youth, adulthood, to old age—and dispenses food tailored to their nutritional needs. This project ensures that everyone receives the right balance of nutrients based on their stage of life.

AI Cat Scanner

The AI Cat Scanner is designed to enhance safety for stray animals around vehicles. Utilizing the HuskyLens’ image recognition capabilities, this device is trained to detect stray cats and dogs beneath car underbodies. When a stray is identified, the Micro: bit triggers an LED light to alert car owners or passersby, providing a visual warning without alarming the animals. This approach uses HuskyLens, Fischertechnik, Micro: bit, and a servo motor to offer a gentle and effective notification system for detecting stray animals.

Technology Education and Interactive Art

The fifth-grade students of Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch) utilize CoSpaces (a virtual reality platform) to design and create the spatial representation of China’s geographical landscape, introducing the different terrain features of the country.

Other Technology Education and Interactive Art


The Automata project blends STEAM with Chinese language, visual arts, and library science. Students use Micro: bit to control mechanical elements like cams, cranks, and gears, animating stories such as the Nian monster and Little Red Riding Hood for readers.

Micro: bit Electric guitar

Students use various pins on the Micro: bit to generate high-level states with electrical flow, controlling it to produce different sound effects. This allows them to create and play an electronic instrument.

Micro: bit Electric maze

Students used Micro: bit to control a game device that emits an alarm when a circular ring touches the maze circuit. The device automatically calculates and displays the number of touches and completion time, removing the need for manual calculation.

Micro: bit Thermometer

Students made their DIY thermometers out of recyclable cardboard, expansion boards, and infrared temperature sensors.

Anti-theft Box

Students recycled boxes and used sensors on Micro: bit to create an anti-theft box. The balance sensor detects when the lid is opened, triggering an alarm unless the A button is pressed to disarm it. A photoresistor in the bottom drawer senses light changes, and the Micro: bit checks if the B button was pressed to authorize the opening; otherwise, it triggers an alarm.

The projects of Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch) offer a blend of art and AI, allowing students to express their creativity through technology. Their projects are designed to contribute to zero hunger, health and well-being, and life on land.



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