Maker Faire Shenzhen’s Twelve Years of Commemorative Booklet

From 2012 to 2023, we successfully held 11 editions of Maker Faire, growing from the creative hub of Bao’an F518 to the Design Commune in Vanke Cloud City. Over these twelve years, we’ve seen Maker Faire Shenzhen evolve from a small community of a few hundred makers to an event connecting industries with tens of thousands of participants.

Looking back, Maker Faire Shenzhen has reached 12 years old this year.

These twelve years have been a period of growth for us, for you, and for Maker Faire Shenzhen.

Before 2012, there was no Maker Faire in China. We were the first organization to bring Maker Faire to China.

Once we attended Maker Faire in California to promote Seeed Studio’s development boards. We had a small booth where we interacted freely with makers from around the world and with both adults and children who were curious about making.

One particular scene stands out in our memory: a mother and her child were discussing how one of the projects on display worked. Instead of teaching, they engaged in an equal exchange and explored together. This moment truly highlighted the charm of Maker Faire.

During another visit to the headquarters in US of Make:, we saw a world map marked with small flags showing all the places Maker Faire had been held. There were flags all over the globe, but China’s space was still empty.

From that moment on, we were determined to bring Maker Faire to China. We transformed from exhibitors to organizers, from engineers to event specialists.

Chapter 1

April 8, 2012

Bao’an F518 Creative Park

The first Shenzhen Maker Faire, or “Mini Maker Faire,” was held at Bao’an F518 Creative Park, co-hosted by Chaihuo Makerspace and Radio magazine. The venue was small, and not very accessible, and the event setup was simple. But it was just the start.

Though less than a thousand people attended, we could already see the immense value of the maker community.

The key visual for our poster above features people lining up and being “sucked in” by the robot.

April 6, 2013

OCT Loft in Nanshan, Shenzhen

The second Maker Faire was held at OCT Loft in Nanshan, Shenzhen, and it was about twice the size of the first. It began to step out from niche circles and gain attention from the broader public.

“Although the event didn’t feature groundbreaking products, it held great significance. At that time, makers in China were just getting started. Much like mobile games before 2011, the maker community was small, and while there were plenty of creative ideas, most projects hadn’t yet achieved commercial value. However, with time, the maker movement would undoubtedly surge, with experienced makers developing products with real commercial potential, ultimately ushering in a fully intelligent era. “— Lei Feng Website

Chapter 3

April 7, 2014

Nanhai E-Cool in Shekou, Nanshan

In 2014, Maker Faire Shenzhen moved to Nanhai E-Cool in Shekou, Nanshan, and it grew from a Mini Maker Faire to a full city-level event. The theme in 2014 was “Innovate with China”.

Most international makers still viewed Shenzhen as merely a manufacturing hub or the “copycat capital.” Our goal was to showcase Shenzhen’s creativity and innovation, positioning it as a center for innovation, not just manufacturing.

This was the booth of DJI, the world’s largest drone company.

Here’s Makeblock, the future STEAM education company.

That year, Make: even had a Chinese edition called Love Making.

Chapter 4

June 19-21, 2015

Shenzhen Software Industry Base

In January 2015, Former Premier Li Keqiang visited Chaihuo Makerspace. His support ignited a nationwide maker movement.

Everyone started talking about “mass innovation, mass entrepreneurship,” but most people still didn’t quite understand what it meant to be a maker. So, the theme of that year’s Maker Faire was “Maker Ecosystem,” aiming to show that makers are a multi-dimensional group with a complete ecosystem.

In 2015, we had 238 exhibitors from more than 20 countries, and the number of participants exceeded 190,000, making it an influential event locally, nationally, and even globally.

What is now a bustling Software Industry Base in Shenzhen was an empty field back in June 2015, and the “Venture Building” wasn’t even completed yet.

Chapter 5

October 21, 2016

Shekou Sea World, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

What everyone remembers most about 2016 wasn’t a specific maker project, but the Typhoon Haima that hit the day before the event. We had to tear down everything within one day and then rebuild all again.

Special thanks to over 220 exhibitors, 19 sponsors, more than 200 volunteers, over 1,000 makers, and the 100,000+ attendees who came to support us.

In December of the same year, we brought Maker Faire to Chengdu, where the first Maker Faire Chengdu was held at Eastern Suburb Memory.

Chapter 6

November 11, 2017

Shenzhen Polytechnic, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

The theme for Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017 was “Maker Pro.” We gathered 667 makers from 30 countries to showcase thousands of incredible projects and workshops to over 50,000 attendees.

Chapter 7

October 12-14, 2018

Design Society, Shekou Sea World Cultural and Arts Center, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

As the main event of Shenzhen Maker Week, we moved the venue to Design Society, an artistic and design-focused space. Despite having only 25 days to prepare, thanks to the enthusiasm of the makers and our hard work, we were able to deliver the full experience of Maker Faire in a brand-new venue. We collaborated with creative minds from all over the world, regardless of profession, nationality, or background, to offer the audience the very best of what Maker Faire has to offer.

Chapter 8

November 9-10, 2019

Vanke Cloud City Design Commune, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Unlike previous years, we introduced “SDG Sustainable Development” as a theme throughout the event in 2019. We wanted to show that makers could connect with industries to solve real-world problems. In the past, we followed the world’s trends, but now, Maker Faire Shenzhen is offering its own insights into development.

In early 2020: The Pandemic Strikes

Chapter 9

November 20, 2021

Online Event: “Dare to Show Off” Conference

Although we had done a lot of preparation for 2021, we were unable to meet in person due to the pandemic. Instead, we held an online event, connecting 15 exhibitors from around the world and continuing the maker spirit of “sharing and showing off.” This online platform allowed us to discuss projects, products, challenges in the making, and team stories. Thanks to everyone’s support, we had no regrets for that year.

Chapter 10

November 11-12, 2023

Vanke Cloud City Design Commune, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

With the end of the pandemic, we could finally bring everyone back together. We issued a call to all makers: Where are the makers? After years of absence, makers reunited once again in Shenzhen, and we also welcomed many new faces.

The iPhone of the 3D printing world, Bambu Lab, arrived.

Eben, the founder of Raspberry Pi, came with his team for the first time.

Chirag from Bhutan, who is building the country’s future tech enterprises, was also here.

These friends, old and new, came from all over the world with their professional, innovative tech projects and a passion to change the world. Their presence reminded us that the maker’s spirit is alive and well.

Chapter 11

November 16-17, 2024

Vanke Cloud City Design Commune, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

We’re here, waiting for you to add your story to this commemorative book of 12 years of Maker Faire Shenzhen!

In these twelve years, Maker Faire Shenzhen has become a part of the city. From a small Mini Maker Faire to an event attracting tens of thousands of participants, we’ve grown together with Shenzhen, a place that nurtures innovation. This is our home, and we hope to keep growing with it.

Over the years, many of you have grown alongside us—some from high school students who are now working professionals, some who are now parents bringing their kids, and others who tinkered with robots at home and are now successful entrepreneurs. We’re grateful for all your support, and we welcome every new friend who joins us.

Finally, whether you’re just starting to explore AI technology or learning how to integrate AI into your projects, products, or solutions, this year’s Maker Faire Shenzhen is the perfect opportunity to showcase and exchange ideas! We warmly invite you to bring your creativity and projects and join us in exploring the theme “Enchant everything with AI”. Let your innovation shine on stage and become a driver of the next wave of technological advancement!

The countdown is on: just 3 days left to register! Don’t miss out – you’ll have to wait another year if you do! 

Maker Faire Shenzhen 2024
Call for Makers Now Officially Open!
Date: November 16th-17th, 2024 (Weekend)

Maker Faire Shenzhen is officially scheduled for November 16-17 with the theme “Enchant everything with AI“, is officially scheduled for November 16-17. The event aims to spotlight AI hardware innovators and showcase the vast possibilities of integrating artificial intelligence across industries. Click to learn more.

If you’d like to present your years of technological innovation and stories of driving industry transformation at China’s largest maker innovation festival—especially showcasing AI-powered achievements—this is the place to be. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded makers, explore the cutting-edge applications of AI in various fields, and discuss the future of AI technology. Click here to register now!

Registration Period: June 26th, 2024 – September 30th, 2024

Recap video:



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