Meet the Maker: 創樂作樂 Create Music For Fun : )

“Create Music For Fun : )” is a group of primary students in Hong Kong, the project aims to enable students to create their own unique electronic musical instrument through STEAM education. The Project cultivate students’ creativity, imagination and problem-solving skills. The Project have been exhibited in Maker Faire Bay Area 2018 in United State, Maker Faire Hong Kong 2018, Maker Faire Tokyo 2018 in Japan and Tainan Education Festival 107 in Taiwan.

「創樂作樂」由香港一班小學生組成,計劃希望學生透過使用STEAM發明套件配合Coding及音樂程式軟件,發揮創意,運用3D打印及各種視藝物料自行設計出各種獨一無二的電子樂器及發聲藝術裝置,享受創作音樂的過程及樂趣。「創樂作樂」曾參展美國 Maker Faire Bay Area 2018、香港Maker Faire Hong Kong 2018、日本Maker Faire Tokyo 2018 及 臺南教育節107。




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